Friday, October 3, 2008

[NPT] Will YOUR site be shut down next?

October 3, 2008

Greetings Affiliate!

I've become increasingly aware of affiliates, primarily new Affiliate marketers, who risk having their affiliate and Clickbank accounts closed, and worse, their entire sites shut down.

What are these affiliates doing?

Find out. Read today's article, Will YOUR Site Be Shut Down?

Til next time --- Promote and Prosper! :-)


P.S. Stay current by checking the Blog and share your thoughts, comments and suggestions in the Forum. Always love to hear from you!

Super Affiliate HandbookWant more? Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". Get it today!

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Name: Affiliate
Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008


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