Greetings Affiliate!
In response to last week's Q and A, Carol
posted a great question - a portion of which
"How can you determine the conversions when
you are promoting affiliate products where
the actual sale occurs on someone else's site?"
In answer, I posted a basic conversion tracking
instructional article here:
That's the basic method.
You'll get more detail and an easier solution
from Amit Mehta in PPC Classroom 2 which launches
tomorrow (Oct 14th) at exactly 2PM Eastern time.
If you haven't seen Interview #3... check it
out right now at:
And be sure to sign up for access to all the other
videos and info AND to get proper credit for my
bonuses if you take the course. You can read more
about them at:
Last but not least... keep asking those questions!
Need more affiliate marketing info?
Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living
online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful
Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the
techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super
Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One
Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online".
Lisa Riolo, past Senior Vice President of Business
Development at Commission Junction calls it a
"must-read" and Affiliate Classroom CEO, Anik Singal,
makes it required reading for each one of his new
staff members.
Get it today!
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Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008
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