Greetings Affiliate!
What's your biggest affiliate marketing concern?
If your approach is anything like the hundreds - no, thousands - of affiliates whose questions I've fielded over the years, your primary concern is probably how to get more traffic to your site.
What I've discovered while reviewing their sites however, is that these affiliate marketers are putting the cart WAY before the horse.
All it takes is a quick spin around the site to know that even if they did get gobs of traffic every day, these affiliates probably wouldn't earn enough to buy their daily Starbucks double tall non-fat no whip mocha.
What the heck are they doing wrong?
Well, more traffic won't help the affiliate whose copy couldn't sell air to a drowning man.
In other words, they've neglected to address what should be their first objective - turning browsers into buyers, or sales conversions.
Affiliates shouldn't really try to sell products, however. That's the merchant's job.
What affiliates need to learn is what Ken Evoy of SiteSell refers to as pre-selling.
I consider what I do as 'selling WITHOUT selling'. Almost exclusive use of that technique is the reason my merchant partners tell me that I'm their top affiliate or have the 'best conversion rates' they've ever seen... often both.
Furthermore, I spend far more time trying to get the message just right than on traffic generation.
When you focus on conversion rates first and foremost, any and all traffic to your site becomes more valuable. Furthermore, that focus is absolutely essential to get a satisfactory ROI (return on investment) when using pay per click (PPC) marketing.
If your affiliate site doesn't convert at least 2 percent of your visitors into buyers or if you want to improve your conversion rate, you need to read my short article 'How to Sell WITHOUT Selling'.
Til next time --- Promote and Prosper! :-)
Ken Evoy offers MYCPS! (Make Your Content PreSell) as a FREE download.
Ken says "There are actually two ways to build a Web site online. The first way is all about "keeping it real." Add to the Web. Write, and write well, about what you know and love. Overdeliver great content to please visitors and make the Search Engines love you at the same time."
What he says is absolutely correct. Furthermore, preselling is about writing to communicate and it is skill that you can learn through this book.
Download MYCPS! (Make Your Content PreSell) now.
P.S. Stay current by checking the Blog and share your thoughts, comments and suggestions in the Forum. Always love to hear from you!
Want more? Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". Get it today!
Name: Affiliate
Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008
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