Sunday, September 7, 2008

[NPT] Have you thought about selling _____?

September 7, 2008

Hello Affiliate!

Here is a question you've probably asked yourself, either as a new marketer or an seasoned affiliate looking for new markets.

"What should I sell online?"

Answering that question is probably easier than you might think.

Let's start with YOU. Name 5 topics that turn your crank, light your fire --- get you REALLY excited.

Having passion for the subject helps. Especially for affiliates who plan to build large content sites.

You don't need to be an expert. You should however be willing to learn a lot about the topic --- or find someone who is an expert to create your content.

The next question then arises:

"Is there a market --- a HOT market?"

Sure, you might LOVE vintage chandeliers or still believe Betamax was the best tape recording format, but WHERE's your market?

How do you find out what's HOT?

Well, you find out what people are searching for online.

To that end, a list of 10 online resources that will show you EXACTLY what people want and are looking for online.

To find out what they are, please read 10 HOT Niche Market Research Sites

Til next time --- promote and prosper. :-)


P.S. Check the Blog for this week's news, and share your thoughts, comments and suggestions in the Forum. Always love to hear from you!

Super Affiliate HandbookWant more? Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". Get it today!

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Name: Affiliate
Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008


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