Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Seeking Executor Of Last Will And Testament.

Dear: Sir/Madam,

My name is Barrister PERE A DANIS, an Attorney (Lawyer) to late Mr.Yaroslav Zojniuk.

I am writing to notify you of the TESTAMENT of my late client Mr.Yaroslav Zojniuk, a Ukrainian who unfortunately lost his life in the Madrid Bomb Blast on March 11, 2004, in Madrid-Spain.

My late client (Mr.Yaroslav Zojniuk) was a prominent business man who travelled to Spain on business survey/holiday with his wife and their only daughter when they met their tragic death.

My client before his death made a deposit of Thirty Seven Million, Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$37,300,000.00) in his effort to set up a business in Europe .

However, I am searching for a trust worthy person or the relatives of the deceased regarding his deposit, as the holding financial institution wants him to come forward for the endorsement of the re-investment documents, hence I am seeking your assistance to provide you as the next of kin to my late client, since he died with his wife and their only daughter without making a WILL in all his deposit paper works.

This transaction is very confidential as I can re-draft his LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT to bear your name as the TRUSTEE & EXECUTOR. This transaction shall be executed under legitimate and legal procedures that will protect you from any breach of the Law.

It is in this regard that I decided to solicit your assistance, by presenting you as the Executor and Trustee (Next of Kin) to my late client. Although, I have agreed on the following sharing ratios: 35% for your assistance and 65% for me but this is still open for negotiation.

Kindly revert back to me urgently on your kind interest to lay claim of the deposit. You are to send me your complete Names, Telephone and Fax numbers, Present contact address, and Occupation for more information on how to release the inheritance sum via this email address: peredanischambers@gmail.com OR danispereassociates@gmail.com

Pere A Danis (Barrister).
Attorney At Law.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I wish to notify you again that you were listed as a beneficiary to the total
sum of US$10, 600, 000.00 (Ten Million Six Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars Only) in the intent of the deceased (name now withheld since this is my second letter to you).

I contacted you because you bear the same last name with my deceased client and
therefore I can present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance, since there
is no written will from my late client. Our legal services aim to provide you
with a complete service as I am prepared
to provide you with all the documents required by the holding Bank to enable
them release this inheritance funds to you.All the papers work required will be
processed in your acceptance of this deal as we are prepared to offer you 40%,
50% for me, while 10% shouldbe given to any Orphanage Home, I request that you
kindly forward to me yourletter of acceptance with the below details via

Full Name:
Full Address:
Tel No.:
Private Email:

Your prompt response is highly imperative.I know that this transaction will
bring us good relationship in future.

Yours sincerely,

Barrister James Egonu.

Monday, October 20, 2008

[NPT] Will you be ready?

October 20, 2008

Greetings Affiliate!

Have you already heard Christmas carols playing at your local mall?

Stunning, I know.

But what with the current chilly economic state and a lackluster forecast for holiday spending this year, merchants are being forced to rush the season.

However, DESPITE the dismal forecast, those in the know are predicting that Black Friday / Cyber Monday this year will probably be the busiest ever.

To help you make the most of it --- get your site ready in time and claim a bigger share of the commission pie this year, read this week's featured article, 10 Ways to Sell MORE this Holiday Season.

And yes, you twisted my arm...

PPC Classroom is shutting its doors to new students tomorrow at noon Eastern - and I'll throw in a half hour-long consultation if you enroll through my link. Incredible deal for just $77.

By the way, that consultation is worth even more now as I plan to hike the price in a few days. :-)

Talk to you soon!

Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner

P.P.S. Need some encouragement or clarification on a particular point? Our generous moderators, members and I will be quick to help you in the web's friendliest Internet Marketing Forum.

Super Affiliate HandbookWant more? Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". Get your copy today!

Here is your subscription information:
Name: Affiliate
Email: cbi37@highqualityarticles.com
Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008


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Friday, October 17, 2008

[NPT] 5K for 77 and I'm about to lose my voice. :-)

October 17, 2008

Greetings Affiliate!

Honestly, I was floored when PPC Classroom 2.0 opened to students last week for just $77.

I actually hit Anik up on GTalk to give him a piece of my mind --- since I agreed to have a telephone consultation with each PPCC2 student who signed up through my link, the value of which is almost 3x higher than the price of the course.

Well, today the boys are going nuttier still and throwing in additional courses and bonuses worth $5,000. Here's a quick list of what they've added:

  1. Affiliatextreme - Mark Ling ($197)
  2. AffiliateUprising & HexaTrack - Amish Shah ($2,000)
  3. Premium NicheBot - Jim Morris ($382)
  4. Google Cash v2 - Chris Carpenter ($67)
  5. SECRET COURSE - Andre Chaperon ($497)
  6. Keyword Butler - MindValley Team ($147)
  7. SpeedPPC - Jay Stockwell ($397)
  8. Negative Keyword Smackdown - Mark Roth ($247)
  9. LIVE PPC Event - Howie Schwartz ($1,000)

Note that these are REAL courses --- not fluffy filler bonuses --- that you get just for TRYING PPC Classroom 2.0, a system that's already helped hundreds of students make multiple 6 figures and quit their jobs.

Here's the issue.

Because I'm giving away one-on-one TIME, I have to limit supply --- and will expire my offer at exactly Saturday October 18th at 12 noon Eastern time.

So get it now... while I still have a voice. :-)

Rosalind Gardner Speaking at PPC Classroom LiveBTW, when you're in the PPCC2 interface, check out my presentation at last year's PPC Classroom Live event. You'll see EXACTLY how I generate my really crazy conversion rates. :-) Here's a pic from the event.


Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner

Want more? Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". Get your copy today!

Here is your subscription information:
Name: Affiliate
Email: cbi37@highqualityarticles.com
Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008


Webvista, Inc.
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Penticton, British Columbia V2A 8L9

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

[NPT] How to protect your sites against hackers

October 17, 2008

Greetings Affiliate!

As you may be aware, one of my servers was recently hacked --- and although I don't want to alarm you, you should know that your sites could be subject to attack at any time.

To help you protect your sites and your data, I wrote "How to Protect Yourself Against Hackers" in which I share what happened to my sites and why.

More importantly, I'll tell you what I learned about defending your server, sites and computer against hackers.


P.S. Stay current by getting the Feed or visit the Blog and share your thoughts, comments and suggestions in the Forum. Always love to hear from you!

Super Affiliate HandbookWant more? Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". Get it today!

Here is your subscription information:
Name: Affiliate
Email: cbi37@highqualityarticles.com
Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008


Webvista, Inc.
PO Box 24091
Penticton, British Columbia V2A 8L9

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Monday, October 13, 2008

[NPT] Confused about Conversion Tracking?

October 13, 2008

Greetings Affiliate!

In response to last week's Q and A, Carol
posted a great question - a portion of which

"How can you determine the conversions when
you are promoting affiliate products where
the actual sale occurs on someone else's site?"

In answer, I posted a basic conversion tracking
instructional article here:


That's the basic method.

You'll get more detail and an easier solution
from Amit Mehta in PPC Classroom 2 which launches
tomorrow (Oct 14th) at exactly 2PM Eastern time.

If you haven't seen Interview #3... check it
out right now at:


And be sure to sign up for access to all the other
videos and info AND to get proper credit for my
bonuses if you take the course. You can read more
about them at:


Last but not least... keep asking those questions!


Need more affiliate marketing info?

Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living
online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful
Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the
techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super
Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One
Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online".

Lisa Riolo, past Senior Vice President of Business
Development at Commission Junction calls it a
"must-read" and Affiliate Classroom CEO, Anik Singal,
makes it required reading for each one of his new
staff members.

Get it today!


(C) 2008 WebVista, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Here is your subscription information:

Name: Affiliate
Email: cbi37@highqualityarticles.com
Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008

If you don't want to get the valuable tips,
suggestions, and Rosalind's corny commentary
on eBiz and the world at large... visit the
site below to terminate your subscription.

PO Box 24091
Penticton, British Columbia V2A 8L9

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

[NPT] Link building or time wasting?

October 9, 2008

Greetings Affiliate!

I received the following question about link-building practices from Richard, an NPT reader:

I am new at this and I have put much time and effort into research and learning. I have bought several books and programs including NetProfitsToday (the Super Affiliate Handbook). I've also signed up for your newsletter and am enrolled as an Affiliate.

I recently read a strategy put forth by a "guru" (ugh!), one that I had become to consider one of the more reputable, better respected "professionals" in the business (I think you have even referred to him several times).

One of his suggestions for getting traffic to your site was to join forums and blogs whose topics were related you your sites subject matter and to post even generic responses to a previous post.

He put forth that if you didn't have substantial knowledge to post a meaningful response, you would post something like "You have made a very good point" or "Thanks for the information, I didn't know that was the case" etc.

Obviously if you do have knowledge of the subject matter you would make a more meaningful response.) Of course you would do this with links(s) to your website(s) in your signature.

Is this considered "spam"?

Please check out today's article for my response to Richard on this topic.

Til next time --- Promote and Prosper! :-)


P.S. Stay current by checking the Blog and share your thoughts, comments and suggestions in the Forum. Always love to hear from you!

Super Affiliate HandbookWant more? Rosalind Gardner has been making a SUPER living online since 1998. You TOO can be a successful Internet/affiliate marketer by learning the techniques she teaches in her best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". Get it today!

Here is your subscription information:
Name: Affiliate
Email: cbi37@highqualityarticles.com
Date Subscribed: 8-23-2008


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